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5 Minimalist Wedding Ideas for the Today's Woman | ASMI Banquet

5 Minimalist Wedding Ideas for the Today’s Woman

Today no longer is the big fat Indian wedding a requisite for every bride. Instead, today’s modern and independent women are finding pleasure in minimalism. Minimalist weddings allow you to remove the extraneous factors, like heavy centrepieces, elaborate table cutlery, heavy and garish flower chandeliers, etc to replace them clean,…

Perfect Cocktail and Kitty Party Venue in Sodepur

Are you stressed about your job and planning to grab a drink? Or do you wish to spend a day with your favourite ladies and indulge in all the fun moments you guys have so long wished for? Thinking for a small party venue in Sodepur? Well, whatever the reason,…

How to make wedding experience memorable for guests? | ASMI Banquet

How to make wedding experience memorable for guests?

The salient part of your wedding, besides the ceremony, is your guests. Don’t we all want our near and dear ones around us on our special day? When you’re bogged down by all the details of your wedding it is important to keep perspective of what actually matters to your…

ASMI The Safest Banquet hall In Sodepur | AC Banquet Hall | Sodepur

ASMI The Safest Banquet hall In Sodepur

The last eight months of this year have nothing less than a nightmare for everyone. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the common lifestyle at large. Be it a school student or a college student, a business owner, or a common man, life has turned out to be…

7 Things You Must Check Before Booking The Wedding Hall | ASMI

7 Things You Must Check Before Booking The Wedding Hall

Wedding is a special event in anyone’s life. It is the association for whole life and thus everyone wants to make the occasion special. Parents too want the wedding to be solemnized at the best location. If you are looking for a good wedding hall in Sodepur, Asmi Banquet can…

Planning a wedding ceremony? Know how to gear up for it | ASMI Banquet

Planning a wedding ceremony? Know how to gear up for it

Weddings seem to be eternal in beauty and elegance. Have you captured your obsession with the beautiful wedding and you plan to have one of your own in the City of Joy- Kolkata? A wedding with a target seems to be a perfect concept, but a lot of planning follows.…